VolRC RAS scientific journal (online edition)

Journal section "Mechanization, automation and informatization of agricultural production"

Economic Value Analysis of Using Hybrid and Electric Motors in Tractors

Rakov V.A., Litvinov V.I.

Volume 3, Issue 3, 2020

Rakov V.A., Litvinov V.I. Economic Value Analysis of Using Hybrid and Electric Motors in Tractors. Agricultural and Livestock Technology, 2020, vol. 3, no. 3. DOI: 10.15838/alt.2020.3.3.5 URL: http://azt-journal.ru/article/28704?_lang=en

DOI: 10.15838/alt.2020.3.3.5

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
One of the ways to increase the efficiency of using tractors is to broaden the power plant economic parameters. This can be achieved by using electricity in a power plant, i.e. either combined or fully electric power plants. But such power plants are rather expensive and have a short battery reserve. Taking into account the ambiguity of the issue and the agricultural enterprises’ great interest, the article analyzes the likely costs during the use of MTZ-82 tractors with a diesel engine, combined and fully electric power plant. The assessment is based on data obtained by comparing experimental machines with those in use. The analysis considered the initial price of the machine on the basis of tractor MTZ-82, fuel consumption (electricity), the specified time of usage, additional costs on charging from the external power grid, cost of maintenance of each tractor, taking into account its characteristics and investment in overhaul. The total costs for ten years of use of each tractor are calculated by adding up all of the above costs. While the cost of one liter of diesel fuel is 46 rubles, and the cost of one kWh of electricity is 6 rubles; the LiFePO4 battery life is 2000 discharge-charge cycles. According to the analysis results, the costs of the machines operating were as follows: MTZ-82 diesel engine – 0.55 thousand rubles per hour; hybrid power plant of serial/parallel circuit – 0.6/0.56 thousand rubles per hour; electric power plant – 0.36 thousand rubles per hour. The authors revealed that under these operating conditions, the transition of MTZ-82 tractor to hybrid electric power plants is economically inefficient. Working on a fully electric power plant will reduce costs by 1.5 times


efficiency, evaluation, costs, fuel consumption, tractor, combined power plants, electric drive