VolRC RAS scientific journal (online edition)

Journal section "Fodder production, feeding of farm animals, and fodder technology"

Influence of Promising Species and Varieties of Legumes on Botanical Composition, Productivity and Nutritional Value of Annual Mixtures in the Conditions of the European North of Russia

Bezgodova I.L., Konovalova N.Y.

Volume 5, Issue 4, 2022

Bezgodova I.L., Konovalova N.Yu. Influence of Promising Species and Varieties of Legumes on Botanical Composition, Productivity and Nutritional Value of Annual Mixtures in the Conditions of the European North of Russia. Agricultural and Livestock Technology, 5(4). DOI: 10.15838/alt.2022.5.4.2 URL: http://azt-journal.ru/article/29406?_lang=en

DOI: 10.15838/alt.2022.5.4.2

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
Mixed sowing of annual fodder crops is of great interest for fodder production, which allows producing a more balanced fodder product. The purpose of the research is to study the botanical composition, productivity and nutritional value of mixed sowings of annual crops formed on the basis of promising varieties of grain legume crops in the conditions of the European North of Russia. The research method included a field trial in 2017–2020 and a production test with the best variants in 2021 in the experimental field of the NWDFGMRI. Scientific novelty in contrast to the works of other scientists consists in the fact that for the first time in the conditions of the European North of Russia will be identified annual mixtures created on the basis of promising varieties of grain legume crops. As a result of the experiment, we found that on average over the years of research legume-grass mixtures (varieties 1–10) provided 21.7–29.5 tons of green matter, 4.34–5.78 tons of dry matter, 0.37–0.58 tons of crude protein from 1 hectare for the season. The best were grain mixtures of vetch + oats + annual ryegrass (variety 7), vetch + peas + oats + annual ryegrass (variety 8) and vetch + beans + oats + annual ryegrass (variety 10). They provided an increase in yield by 25.5-31.7%. The highest protein content of 11.2, 11.6 and 11.6% in 1 kg of dry matter in the first cut was obtained for mixtures of peas + vetch + oats (variety 4), vetch + beans + oats (variety 5), vetch + lupine + oats (variety 6), including spring vetch variety “Assorti” in its composition. A significant increase over the control in the production test was obtained in the four-component mixture, which formed two swaths during the season. Yield of aboveground biomass was obtained at 3.93 t/ha of dry matter, raw protein yield was 0.54 t/ha. The increase to the control was 0.74 t/ha of dry matter, or 23.2%. Crude protein content in the first cut was 12.5%, and in the second cut – 16.1%. Area of application – agricultural enterprises of the European North of Russia


productivity, mixed crops, nutrition, promising varieties, botanical composition, Grain legumes, annual ryegrass, species