VolRC RAS scientific journal (online edition)

Journal section "Fodder production, feeding of farm animals, and fodder technology"

Metabolic Status of High-Yielding Cows with Probiotic in the Diet

Smirnova Y., Platonov A.V.

Volume 6, Issue 2, 2023

Smirnova Yu.M., Platonov A.V. Metabolic Status of High-Yielding Cows with Probiotic in the Diet. Agricultural and Livestock Technology, 6(2). DOI: 10.15838/alt.2023.6.2.2 URL: http://azt-journal.ru/article/29597?_lang=en

DOI: 10.15838/alt.2023.6.2.2

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The most important task of modern dairy farming is to provide population with wholesome and safe dairy products, which determines the corresponding requirements for agro-industrial complex. One of the ways to solve this problem is to increase the milk productivity of animals while maintaining their health through the use of probiotic preparations in the diet. In our work, we studied the effect of using the enzymatic and probiotic preparation Rumit in the diets of the Holsteinized Russian black pied cattle. The research objectives include the evaluation of metabolism of experimental animals based on the analysis of hematological and biochemical blood parameters of highly productive cows. To implement the set tasks, we conducted a scientific experiment on the basis of OOO “Zazerkalye” of Gryazovetsky District of the Vologda Oblast. Two groups of 30 cows selected by the miniature herd method were involved in industrial tests. Cows of the control group received household ration, and animals of the experimental group were given daily 50 g of Rumit probiotic (made by OOO “Biotrof”) in the daily feeding for 90 days. We performed an analysis of the main blood parameters of cows at the beginning and at the end of the experiment using standard test kits by the company Diakon-Vet on automatic analyzers. Consumption of probiotic in feeding the experimental group cows resulted in declining the white blood cell content by 13,0%, increasing the total protein and glucose in blood serum by 13,4 and 24,1% (P ≥ 0,99), and decreasing the urea by 28,2% (P ≥ 0,99) and concentrations of aspartataminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase by 10,7 and 9,8% (P ≥ 0,95). Thus, feeding high-yielding cows with the enzymatic-probiotic preparation Rumit contributed to the normalization of metabolic processes in the body


metabolism, Dairy cows, Holsteinized Russian black pied cattle, dairy cows, probiotic, blood parameters