VolRC RAS scientific journal (online edition)

Journal section "Fodder production, feeding of farm animals, and fodder technology"

Analysis of Biologically Active Feed Additives Used in Horse Breeding in Russia (Review)

Mustakova F.

Volume 7, Issue 2, 2024

Mustakova F.S. (2024). Analysis of Biologically Active Feed Additives Used in Horse Breeding in Russia (Review). Agricultural and Livestock Technology, 7 (2). DOI: 10.15838/alt.2024.7.2.2 URL: http://azt-journal.ru/article/29939?_lang=en

DOI: 10.15838/alt.2024.7.2.2

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
In Russia, one of the most important characteristics in the horse breeding, as in any branch of animal husbandry, is the organization of proper balanced feeding of animals. The introduction of biologically active feed additives into the diet is aimed at improving its nutritional status, allows correcting feed stress, saturate the body with basic and secondary elements and thereby lay new foundations for increasing productivity. Every year, many biologically active feed additives emerge on the Russian market and a number of studies are conducted on their effectiveness in a particular branch of animal husbandry. In this regard, we consider it relevant to systematize the studies published over the past five years on the study of biologically active feed additives used in horse breeding in the Russian Federation. The aim of the review is to analyze and summarize the information available in the literature on biologically active feed additives used in horse breeding in the Russian Federation and the prospects for their further use. Materials for the study included literature sources that highlighted the problem of analyzing and studying the effectiveness of biologically active feed additives used in horse breeding. Based on the analysis of literature data, it was revealed that the use of feed supplements in the diet of stallions and mares, taking into account the breed, local conditions and directions of livestock breeding, has a positive effect on both productivity and athletic performance. At the same time, Russian authors conducted a number of studies and proved the effectiveness of the use of feed supplements based on grape waste and feed supplements containing components of local plant and mineral origin. The review presents an analysis of biologically active feed additives used in horse breeding in Russia, as well as the prospects for further use of feed supplements containing components of local plant and mineral origin


diet, horse, feed additive, Diet, Horse breeding, supplements for horses, feed additives, feed supplements